Author: Anastas Punev
As the end of the current year is approaching, the European Union’s Work Plan for Culture also expires – an act that has been discussed before in this rubric. The strategic document is valid for a period of four years, which means that the next plan should govern the cultural strategy of the European Union until the end of 2026.
As also discussed, the adoption of the Work Plan is a priority of the current Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, but as of the beginning of November it seems quite possible that the implementation of the new plan could be postponed. Some of the reasons were set out earlier in the year in the critical statements from IETM and Culture Action Europe, which were followed by a series of discussions between European institutions and the individuals concerned.
As a result, on September 14, the Committee for Culture and Education of the European Parliament presented a report that summarized the most important conclusions from the discussions held. In the report a large part of the problematic topics were noted, on which no substantial progress has been achieved yet.
You can learn more about it from the article in our #culturalpolicies rubrics.
photo: Pixabay
#culturalpolicies is a collaborative project between A25 Cultural Foundation and the Informational Portal for NGOs in Bulgaria. Its goal is to shed light on key decisions, processes, and policies from Bulgaria and around the world, important not only to the professionals in the sector, but also necessary for the well-being of all of us as citizens.
In 2022 the rubrics #culturalpolicies is implemented under the “A25/22” project, financed by the “One-Year Grant 2021” program of the National Culture Fund, Bulgaria.