About the reading trends in Bulgaria


authors: Prof. Alexander Kyosev and Dr. Monika Vakarelova

The study of “Reading practices in Bulgaria” has had several consecutive research waves since 2006. Its ambition is to trace long-term processes and changes in reading practices – although in some aspects this period of 16 years seems short, the changes in reading practices are so dynamic that certain trends still manage to stand out very clearly.

You can learn more about them from the article by Prof. Alexander Kyosev and Dr. Monika Vakarelova for our #culturalpolicies rubrics.

photo: Pixabay

#culturalpolicies is a collaborative project between A25 Cultural Foundation and the Informational Portal for NGOs in Bulgaria. Its goal is to shed light on key decisions, processes, and policies from Bulgaria and around the world, important not only to the professionals in the sector, but also necessary for the well-being of all of us as citizens. In 2022 the rubrics #culturalpolicies is implemented under the “A25/22” project, financed by the “One-Year Grant 2021” program of the National Culture Fund, Bulgaria.

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